Brief Summary of 6/06

- in Nyheter

Student issues in the general election, students who are not allowed to vote and Indian students protesting against university quotas.

Read about this in the first issue of the autumn.

Student issues in the election

With the general election coming up in mid September, Lundagård investigates the opinions of the political parties in student and university issues. In broad outline the parties to the left want to expand the higher education while those to the right want to improve the quality.

Every tenth student not allowed to vote

2 000 students, or two percent of the inhabitants of Lund, are not allowed to vote in the local government election. The reason is that they are not registered in the city, either because they are new in town or because they choose to be registered elsewhere, even though it is against the law.

The future of film in Lund

The scene for cultural film in Lund is shaking, with video stores going bankrupt and the local film club throwing crisis meetings.

Illegal downloading – as usual – seems to be one of the reasons.


Indian students against university quotas

Hunger strikes, riots and demonstrations.

Indian students fight the government’s proposal to reserve even more places at the universities to applicants from lower castes.

– Using quotas in this way only makes society even more parted according to the obsolete caste system, an Indian student says to Lundagård.