Friday photos

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Pretty much every day I walk twenty minutes to Kenicentrum and its environs for class and work.  Outside the building there are two sculptures.  For a few days, I thought I was actually going insane because the ”W” and other oddly-shaped one (which conjures up disturbing thoughts… no further comment) seem to change color.  If you have felt the same as I, FEAR NOT, for you are NOT insane!  While the initial color changes were restricted to subtly different hues of warm clay red and persimmon orange, now they are blue and one has a happy face painted on it…

…and nearby I thought I had almost found myself a bike!  At last, oh sweet joy!   Alas, it was only the delusions of a desperate exchange student… and yes, I did think about stealing it, but didn’t…

…soon after, my mood was greatly improved by this fellow, who I thought at first was naked, but turned out was sporting one of those jumpsuits popular for workmen in not-america.  This is the first one, though, that I’ve seen with the dark shorts section…