
- in Nyheter

I think I had my first brat back-slick sighting today!!  Just when I had given up hope after four days in Stockholm, it just happened!!  All I have to say is that it was extreme and greasy-looking.  Otherwise, Stockholm was fantastic.  I caught up with old friends, made new ones, saw some fall colors, toured parliament, ate lunch in a touristy medieval restaurant on Gamla Stan, went to the Vasa museum, schmoozed with the ambassador, saw all ten H&Ms in the five block shopping area, finally bought rain boots, stumbled across a cool flea market, almost went to the Ice Bar in a hotel near the central station, went to the architecture museum(/modernamuseum).  The weather is colder and the leaves are starting to change, and I felt quite at home, it being a big bustling city and all.

But it seems that I have settled into Lund, because I missed it.  What do you consider ’home?’  After traveling for an extended period last year, I think I settle into place faster than I used to.  I  feel a bit guilty when I call Lund ’home’ sometimes, though, like I’m betraying San Francisco or something.  I still remember the first time when I went away to school in the US and I called school ’home!’  Is home the roof you grew up under, the stuff you’ve had forever, the people who raised you, or what?  Is it the place that you always come back to?  Is it just an abstract sense of belonging that develops when you stay in a place long enough?  Is having a ’home’ important?