Microwave Wars

- in Nyheter

Today at work I’m going to go eat lunch in the staff lunchroom at 12:20 instead of high noon.  That is because I don’t want to waste time passive aggressively claiming a microwave.  Luckily I was there a minute before everyone else yesterday so I was the first to use one of the four microwaves.  And while I happily scarfed down my rice, Chinese sausage, and baked root vegetables (that I never really ate much of before I came to Sweden, wow turnips and parsnips are amazing!), I noticed that people were in line for the microwaves for at least ten minutes.  Maybe I am too preoccupied with efficiency and not preoccupied enough with socializing at work, but I prefer to avoid standing around waiting in line for a microwave if I can help it.  It’s interesting how everyone eats lunch noon.  It’s nice that this common schedule helps everyone socialize more, but you think there would be more microwaves…