What the Hell is Filmjölk?

- in Nyheter

Ok, so filmjölk is one of those weird food things that we don’t have in the US and that you can’t really translate the name very well.  BUT of course someone has done it, so in English you can call it ’acidified milk.’   The first time you open a carton (usually 1 L), you might think that the supermarket was trying to cheat you out of money by selling you really really really old and sour and thick milk.  In fact, you’d be better off (and less grossed out) if you went to the Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filmjolk and you’d realize filmjölk is more similar to yogurt.  It’s made from milk and becomes thick due to the diligent activity of specific bacteria.  You can actually make it at home, so say Wiki… my first reaction is one of fear tinged with disgust, but then I remember when an acquaintance in college made mead (a.k.a honey wine) in a huge black trash can senior year and no one died at his ’unveiling’ party…   Come to think of it, it’s kind of ridiculous that I didn’t go check out what the hell filmölk was the first time I tried it.